Starting a BMW Club
It is highly recommend that you first check whether there is already an existing BMW Club in the area before forming your own. Please contact Secretary of BMW Clubs Africa if you need assistance with this.
The following basic requirements for a Club are the essentials to ensure that a Club is run and managed appropriately:
- Have at least 25 Club members
- Club members who pay an annual membership fee and attend Club events.
- Have a managed bank account
- Have a web presence
- Support from local dealer / importer
in order to be registered formally as a Club.
To initiate the Club the following needs to be adressed:
- A Constitution needs to be drawn up and accepted at an Annual General Meeting.
- Elect a Committee to run the Club at the Annual General Meeting.
- Office bearers typically required are Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Other members can be added as required.
- The Committee needs to meet regularly, is responsible for arranging events, etc.
- A Club bank account is required.
- One of the responsibilities of the Treasurer is to prepare an annual financial statement for presentation at the AGM, and to BMW Clubs Africa.
- Last but not least – a Club identity.
- This will involve a Club name, a badge, etc.
- Dependent on where the Club is based – this will typically be geographical – i.e. if you are Lagos based – the Club can be called either BMW Car Club Lagos (for the city), or Lagos (for the state).
Once you have some of the work done as above, you can then apply to register as a Club with BMW Clubs Africa, through whom the Club is then registered as an official BMW Club, which then in return entitles the Club the use of the BMW Roundel, etc. Do this by e-mailing as much detail about your club to:
It is highly recommendable is to make contact with your local BMW importer and/or some of the local dealers – their support will be essential to the Club, as they are an excellent source for new members and sponsorships.